Catastrophic Dream transports players to a dreamscape as a shadow-traveler seeking redemption from the legacy harms of consuming the Silhous’ stories.

***Inspired by explorations of complicity and accountability in Kara Walker’s silhouettes and poet laureate Ada Limón’s piece, "The Contract Says: We’d Like the Conversation to be Bilingual."


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Probably the game which had the most to say in the Jam but likewise had the most trouble saying it.

All art has to compromise between the author's artistic intent and the ability to be understood by an audience. I think you might have leaned a bit too much to the former.

The connection to both Kara Walker and "The Contract says" is obvious but the overarching meaning of the game is still a bit muddy to me.

I also found myself falling of ledges a couple of times with nothing to stop me or reset the game.

This has potential! It really does! Just needs a bit of polish to improve the gameplay and clarify the message.